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The definition of joy is nuanced, individual, and distinct from the concept of happiness. 

"I think it can mean a lot of different things"

"...the state of not really having to think about things too much"

"...being around people I have an established intimacy with...there's an innate understanding"

"I used to take joy for granted whereas now I'm actively seeking out joy...seeking out positive experiences in light of everything that's going around"

"being able to take up space and have a simplistic, positive thing in my life each I've made myself a meal or taken a nice walk or talked to a friend on the phone has really broken up the monotony or pessimism of the pandemic"

"sunlight, being outside...the warmth on my skin"

"finding new ways of forming community during the pandemic...especially with regards to finding solidarity with other Asian American students in class"

"doing things that make me feel good and happy, especially in the pandemic...doing things with other people I care about"

"happiness is is quiet"

"For someone who is constantly worrying about the future or trying to fulfill other obligations, I think I feel the most joy when I'm able to live in the present and for myself"

"it's a really nebulous thing sometimes"

"joy is in the small moments in life that we take for granted like watching the sunset with my friends or driving with the windows down while belting out the lyrics to the song on the radio"

"being in community with Asian people...celebrating Asianness"

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